Wakabayashilite |
Bonazzi P, Lampronti G I, Bindi L, Zandari S |
American Mineralogist 90 (2005) 1108-1114 |
Wakabayashilite, [(As,Sb)6S9][As4S5]: crystal structure, psuedosymmetry, twinning, |
and revised chemical formula |
Sample: White Caps Mine, Nevada |
_database_code_amcsd 0003797 |
25.262 14.563 6.492 90 90 90 Pna2_1 |
atom x y z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
As1 .4694 .2798 .2510 .79 .041 .036 .049 .037 -.005 -.000 .004 |
Sb1 .4694 .2798 .2510 .21 .041 .036 .049 .037 -.005 -.000 .004 |
As2 .4398 .2207 .7445 .0416 .034 .050 .041 .005 -.001 -.003 |
As3 .3752 .4355 .7495 .81 .039 .031 .053 .033 .002 .004 .001 |
Sb3 .3752 .4355 .7495 .19 .039 .031 .053 .033 .002 .004 .001 |
As4 .3309 .4503 .2427 .98 .038 .038 .046 .032 .000 .004 -.001 |
Sb4 .3309 .4503 .2427 .02 .038 .038 .046 .032 .000 .004 -.001 |
As5 .0948 .1560 .7508 .81 .040 .041 .047 .034 -.004 .002 .008 |
Sb5 .0948 .1560 .7508 .19 .040 .041 .047 .034 -.004 .002 .008 |
As6 .1098 .2295 .2438 .91 .042 .036 .052 .037 .001 .002 .002 |
Sb6 .1098 .2295 .2438 .09 .042 .036 .052 .037 .001 .002 .002 |
As7 .3289 .0167 .758 .071 .074 .076 .062 -.024 .013 -.018 |
As8 .2964 .1114 .432 .079 .044 .071 .122 -.010 .016 -.023 |
As9 .2129 .3614 .8339 .0387 .039 .045 .032 -.005 -.001 -.004 |
As10 .0770 .4973 .843 .064 .054 .061 .076 .002 .021 .005 |
S1 .4946 .1738 .997 .046 .041 .068 .029 .005 -.004 -.005 |
S2 .0011 .3218 .494 .041 .036 .051 .036 -.0010 -.002 .004 |
S3 .4589 .3746 .745 .047 .039 .041 .060 .003 -.0012 .001 |
S4 .3393 .3371 .995 .039 .033 .053 .032 -.006 .006 .005 |
S5 .3344 .3451 .497 .046 .050 .046 .043 -.013 -.004 .004 |
S6 .4169 .4970 .247 .047 .038 .041 .062 .002 -.014 -.008 |
S7 .1623 .1601 .998 .037 .032 .038 .041 -.006 .001 -.002 |
S8 .1607 .1683 .500 .047 .032 .068 .041 .008 .001 -.012 |
S9 .0431 .1225 .243 .044 .037 .039 .055 .002 .005 -.004 |
S10 .2528 .0020 .260 .058 .048 .067 .060 .004 .005 .015 |
S11 .2077 .3802 .179 .050 .047 .048 .054 .003 -.005 .007 |
S12 .1267 .3779 .723 .046 .046 .033 .058 .007 -.008 -.011 |
S13 .0876 .4987 .189 .058 .047 .065 .063 .007 -.004 .005 |
S14 .3726 .1209 .256 .050 .056 .037 .056 .008 .003 .002 |
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Wakabayashilite |
Bindi L, Bonazzi P, Zoppi M, Spry P G |
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 693-702 |
Chemical variability in wakabayashilite: a real feature or an |
analytical artifact |
Note: Sample JR1 |
Locality: Jas Roux, Hautes-Alpes, France |
_database_code_amcsd 0020479 |
25.297 14.542 6.493 90 90 90 Pna2_1 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
AsM1 .46945 .27957 .2507 .0399 |
AsM2 .43981 .22033 .7436 .0436 |
AsM3 .37515 .43591 .7518 .85 .0419 |
SbM3 .37515 .43591 .7518 .15 .0419 |
AsM4 .33100 .45027 .2469 .0432 |
AsM5 .09489 .15589 .7517 .0386 |
AsM6 .11002 .22985 .2462 .0448 |
As7 .32942 .0136 .7595 .0763 |
As8 .2952 .1155 .4102 .0845 |
As9 .21255 .3624 .8372 .0442 |
As10 .07632 .4982 .8418 .0509 |
S1 .4938 .1742 .0002 .0351 |
S2 .0035 .3233 .4997 .0368 |
S3 .4590 .3748 .7335 .0376 |
S4 .3405 .3325 .0026 .0391 |
S5 .3353 .3467 .4994 .0350 |
S6 .4168 .4976 .2479 .0340 |
S7 .1625 .1569 .0015 .0313 |
S8 .1594 .1701 .4976 .0380 |
S9 .0425 .1226 .2349 .0347 |
S10 .2531 .9995 .2593 .0456 |
S11 .2073 .3798 .1822 .0508 |
S12 .1259 .3776 .7270 .0384 |
S13 .0891 .4987 .1849 .0563 |
S14 .3730 .1210 .2397 .0439 |
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Wakabayashilite |
Bindi L, Bonazzi P, Zoppi M, Spry P G |
Mineralogical Magazine 78 (2014) 693-702 |
Chemical variability in wakabayashilite: a real feature or an |
analytical artifact |
Note: Sample WC |
Locality: White Caps mine, Nevada, USA |
_database_code_amcsd 0020480 |
25.310 14.515 6.4988 90 90 90 Pna2_1 |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
As1 .46950 .27933 .2505 .0401 |
As2 .43980 .22035 .7440 .0438 |
As3 .37507 .43587 .7516 .887 .0412 |
Sb3 .37507 .43587 .7516 .113 .0412 |
As4 .33090 .45039 .2465 .0434 |
As5 .09483 .15585 .7517 .0391 |
As6 .10989 .22954 .2463 .0443 |
As7 .32937 .01351 .7588 .0762 |
As8 .29530 .11543 .4106 .0849 |
As9 .21253 .36228 .8374 .0439 |
As10 .07636 .49825 .8416 .0510 |
S1 .49371 .1741 .0003 .0355 |
S2 .00353 .3233 .4999 .0366 |
S3 .45909 .37440 .7343 .0388 |
S4 .34054 .3329 .0019 .0386 |
S5 .33534 .3464 .5002 .0354 |
S6 .41688 .49747 .2478 .0347 |
S7 .16250 .15704 .0013 .0311 |
S8 .15932 .1700 .4981 .0386 |
S9 .04255 .12268 .2355 .0350 |
S10 .25292 .0001 .2595 .0449 |
S11 .20720 .3797 .1806 .0511 |
S12 .12586 .37761 .7271 .0378 |
S13 .08909 .4989 .1842 .0578 |
S14 .37294 .12105 .2401 .0437 |
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