American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Bellatreccia F, Camara F, Ottolini L, Della Ventura G, Cibin G, Mottana A
Download cm/vol43/CM43_1457.pdf
The Canadian Mineralogist 43 (2005) 1457-1468
Wiluite from Ariccia, Latium, Italy: Occurrence and crystal structure
Locality: Ariccia, Latium, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0006057
15.716 15.716 11.704 90 90 90 *P4/nnc
.25 .25 .25
atom         x       y      z    occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
CaX1       .75     .25    .25        .0092  .0137  .0080  .0058      0      0      0
CaX2   -.19038  .04495 .37987 .97875 .0101  .0096  .0119  .0087  .0016 -.0011  .0001
MgX2   -.19038  .04495 .37987 .01875 .0101  .0096  .0119  .0087  .0016 -.0011  .0001
SrX2   -.19038  .04495 .37987  .0025 .0101  .0096  .0119  .0087  .0016 -.0011  .0001
CaX3   -.10090 -.17893 .89483 .97861 .0175  .0131  .0160  .0234  .0004 -.0044 -.0023
LaX3   -.10090 -.17893 .89483 .00625 .0175  .0131  .0160  .0234  .0004 -.0044 -.0023
CeX3   -.10090 -.17893 .89483   .005 .0175  .0131  .0160  .0234  .0004 -.0044 -.0023
NdX3   -.10090 -.17893 .89483 .00125 .0175  .0131  .0160  .0234  .0004 -.0044 -.0023
CaX4       .75     .75 .14318     .5 .0105  .0087  .0087  .0142      0      0      0
Fe3+Y1     .75     .75 .05586    .18 .0188  .0102  .0102  .0359      0      0      0
TiY1       .75     .75 .05586   .135 .0188  .0102  .0102  .0359      0      0      0
MgY1       .75     .75 .05586    .13 .0188  .0102  .0102  .0359      0      0      0
MnY1       .75     .75 .05586   .055 .0188  .0102  .0102  .0359      0      0      0
AlY2         0       0      0  .9175 .0091  .0076  .0078  .0118  .0005 -.0002 -.0009
Fe3+Y2       0       0      0  .0475 .0091  .0076  .0078  .0118  .0005 -.0002 -.0009
MgY2         0       0      0   .035 .0091  .0076  .0078  .0118  .0005 -.0002 -.0009
MgY3   -.11165  .12018 .12789 .41875 .0094  .0101  .0100  .0081  .0007  .0004 -.0004
AlY3   -.11165  .12018 .12789 .41125 .0094  .0101  .0100  .0081  .0007  .0004 -.0004
Fe3+Y3 -.11165  .12018 .12789    .17 .0094  .0101  .0100  .0081  .0007  .0004 -.0004
BT1     .05304  .05304    .25   .545 .0183  .0217  .0217  .0115 -.0066 -.0089  .0089
AlT1    .05304  .05304    .25   .005 .0183  .0217  .0217  .0115 -.0066 -.0089  .0089
BeT1    .05304  .05304    .25   .005 .0183  .0217  .0217  .0115 -.0066 -.0089  .0089
HT1     .05304  .05304    .25  .1175 .0183  .0217  .0217  .0115 -.0066 -.0089  .0089
BT2        .25     .25    .25    .68 .0100
HT2        .25     .25  .2070    .16 .0200
SiZ1       .75     .25      0        .0069  .0075  .0075  .0056      0      0      0
SiZ2   -.17859  .04304 .87208        .0099  .0096  .0129  .0073  .0017 -.0006  .0018
SiZ3   -.08389 -.15020 .36491        .0079  .0099  .0070  .0070  .0014  .0006  .0003
O1     -.21994  .17280 .08462        .0107  .0140  .0092  .0090  .0000 -.0005  .0008
O2     -.12070  .16054 .28284        .0127  .0166  .0102  .0113 -.0002 -.0046  .0014
O3     -.04282  .22472 .07802        .0133  .0173  .0126  .0101  .0056  .0029  .0020
O4     -.06177  .10461 .47133        .0103  .0122  .0097  .0091  .0004 -.0018  .0008
O5     -.17148  .01169 .17953        .0117  .0119  .0131  .0101  .0048  .0004 -.0014
O6     -.12105 -.27629 .05351        .0148  .0190  .0122  .0133  .0021  .0023  .0053
O7A     .05565   .1760  .3201     .5 .0102
O7B      .0445   .1466  .3069     .5 .0172
O8     -.06037 -.09201 .06654        .0099  .0089  .0093  .0114  .0018  .0017 -.0003
O9     -.14607 -.14607    .25        .0124  .0136  .0136  .0099 -.0018 -.0015  .0015
O10        .75     .75  .8700    .66 .0305  .0317  .0317  .0279      0      0      0
O11A    -.0030   .0628  .1351 .48438 .0079
O11B    -.0013   .0536  .1543 .36438 .0109
F11B    -.0013   .0536  .1543 .15124 .0109
O12      .1772   .2733  .2044    .34 .0263
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