Zangboite |
Li G, Fang Q, Shi N, Bai W, Yang J, Xiong M, Ma Z, Rong H |
The Canadian Mineralogist 47 (2009) 1265-1274 |
Zangboite, TiFeSi2, a new mineral species from Luobusha, Tibet, China, |
and its crystal structure |
Locality: Luobusha, Tibet, China |
_database_code_amcsd 0006308 |
8.6053 9.5211 7.6436 90 90 90 Pbam |
atom x y z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) |
Fe1 0 .5 .74258 .0062 .0040 .0060 .0003 0 0 |
Fe2 -.08868 .24294 .74824 .0054 .00509 .0048 -.00035 -.00004 .00009 |
Ti1 .32719 .54777 .73815 .0038 .0044 .0065 .00007 .0001 -.00019 |
Ti2 .16749 .32052 .5 .0047 .0033 .0057 .0002 0 0 |
Si1 .12725 .60427 .5 .0059 .0068 .0054 .0006 0 0 |
Si2 .12376 .59728 0 .0094 .0085 .0059 .0010 0 0 |
Si3 -.03839 .11931 .5 .0056 .0050 .0057 .0008 0 0 |
Si4 -.33705 .18159 .84647 .0054 .0070 .0053 -.0002 .0001 -.0001 |
Si5 -.03895 .12131 0 .0143 .0060 .0050 .0018 0 0 |
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