Zenzenite |
Holtstam D, Linqvist B, Johnsson M, Norrestam R |
The Canadian Mineralogist 29 (1991) 347-354 |
Zenzenite: Pb3(Fe,Mn)4Mn3O15, a new mineral species |
from Langban, Filipstad, Sweden, and its crystal structure |
Locality: Langban, Filipstad, Sweden |
_database_code_amcsd 0005262 |
10.008 10.008 13.672 90 90 120 P6_3/mcm |
atom x y z occ Uiso |
Pb1 .6136 .6136 3/4 .0154 |
Pb2 .2678 .2678 3/4 .0123 |
Mn1 .8318 .1683 1/2 .91 .0088 |
Fe1 .8318 .1683 1/2 .09 .0088 |
Fe2 1/3 2/3 .1462 .0061 |
Mn3 1/2 1/2 1/2 .91 .0084 |
Fe3 1/2 1/2 1/2 .09 .0084 |
Mn4 0 0 0 .91 .0106 |
Fe4 0 0 0 .09 .0106 |
O1 .4882 .3271 .0802 .0125 |
O2 .5254 .1727 1/4 .0086 |
O3 .1645 .1645 .0730 .0122 |
O4 .6709 .6709 .0734 .0102 |
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