Magnesite Liang W, Li Z, Yin Y, Li R, Chen L, He Y, Dong H, Dai L, Li H Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 45 (2018) 423-434 Single crystal growth, characterization and high-pressure Raman spectroscopy of impurity-free magnesite (MgCO3) Locality: synthetic _database_code_amcsd 0021223 CELL PARAMETERS: 4.6255 4.6255 14.9870 90.000 90.000 120.000 SPACE GROUP: R-3c X-RAY WAVELENGTH: 1.541838 Cell Volume: 277.692 Density (g/cm3): 3.025 MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2: 16.83637704 RIR: 1.812 RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739 2-THETA INTENSITY D-SPACING H K L Multiplicity 32.73 100.00 2.7364 1 0 4 6 35.95 13.21 2.4978 0 0 6 2 38.94 6.12 2.3128 1 1 0 6 43.10 50.75 2.0988 1 1 3 12 46.96 13.30 1.9350 2 0 2 6 51.75 5.31 1.7664 0 2 4 6 54.04 23.71 1.6970 1 1 6 12 54.04 18.25 1.6970 0 1 8 6 61.56 4.98 1.5064 2 1 1 12 62.59 7.55 1.4841 1 2 2 12 66.62 6.27 1.4038 2 1 4 12 68.59 2.15 1.3682 2 0 8 6 69.56 2.94 1.3514 1 2 5 12 69.57 6.88 1.3514 1 1 9 12 70.53 13.30 1.3353 3 0 0 6 76.23 4.86 1.2489 0 0 12 2 77.16 1.92 1.2362 2 1 7 12 79.95 1.98 1.2000 0 2 10 6 81.79 3.25 1.1776 1 2 8 12 89.10 1.27 1.0989 1 1 12 12 ================================================================================ XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.