Dussertite Kolitsch U, Slade P G, Tiekink E R T, Pring A Mineralogical Magazine 63 (1999) 17-26 The structure of antimonian dussertite and the role of antimony in oxysalt minerals Locality: Clara mine, Black Forest, Germany _database_code_amcsd 0014536 CELL PARAMETERS: 7.4100 7.4100 17.4840 90.000 90.000 120.000 SPACE GROUP: R-3m X-RAY WAVELENGTH: 1.541838 Cell Volume: 831.396 Density (g/cm3): 4.160 MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2: 70.81293706 RIR: 5.543 RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739 2-THETA INTENSITY D-SPACING H K L Multiplicity 14.70 49.64 6.0243 1 0 1 6 17.14 9.99 5.1731 0 1 2 6 24.02 26.86 3.7050 1 1 0 6 24.64 2.29 3.6126 1 0 4 6 28.28 13.69 3.1559 0 2 1 6 28.55 100.00 3.1267 1 1 3 12 29.66 11.39 3.0121 2 0 2 6 30.68 19.29 2.9140 0 0 6 2 34.68 18.64 2.5865 0 2 4 6 37.43 5.77 2.4025 2 1 1 12 38.68 23.11 2.3276 1 0 7 6 39.34 7.11 2.2905 1 1 6 12 42.25 2.70 2.1391 3 0 0 6 42.63 2.82 2.1208 2 1 4 12 45.15 22.47 2.0081 0 3 3 6 45.15 6.78 2.0081 3 0 3 6 49.18 25.28 1.8525 2 2 0 6 50.53 2.16 1.8063 2 0 8 6 51.62 1.95 1.7707 1 3 1 12 52.60 6.26 1.7401 2 1 7 12 53.11 1.44 1.7244 0 3 6 6 53.11 1.50 1.7244 3 0 6 6 53.24 7.20 1.7205 1 1 9 12 54.39 1.46 1.6869 1 0 10 6 56.69 1.86 1.6236 1 2 8 12 57.70 1.01 1.5976 4 0 1 6 58.49 2.79 1.5780 0 4 2 6 59.09 15.21 1.5633 2 2 6 12 60.28 13.04 1.5353 0 2 10 6 61.58 4.20 1.5061 4 0 4 6 63.40 1.71 1.4670 3 2 1 12 63.83 1.01 1.4582 0 4 5 6 64.26 4.95 1.4495 1 3 7 12 64.83 3.30 1.4381 0 3 9 6 64.83 1.28 1.4381 3 0 9 6 65.54 1.13 1.4243 2 0 11 6 65.85 1.30 1.4183 2 1 10 12 66.80 3.03 1.4004 4 1 0 12 68.97 4.72 1.3616 1 4 3 12 68.97 7.01 1.3616 4 1 3 12 71.70 2.36 1.3163 1 0 13 6 74.87 5.55 1.2683 3 2 7 12 76.35 2.04 1.2473 1 3 10 12 79.30 1.09 1.2082 3 3 3 12 81.41 3.15 1.1821 4 0 10 6 81.90 3.88 1.1762 2 1 13 12 84.62 2.03 1.1452 2 2 12 12 85.47 1.63 1.1360 4 1 9 12 85.47 1.08 1.1360 1 4 9 12 ================================================================================ XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.