American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

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Zemann A, Zemann J
Acta Crystallographica 12 (1959) 1002-1006
Zur kenntnis der kristallstruktur von lorandit, TlAsS2
_database_code_amcsd 0009237
12.27 11.33 6.11 90 104.2 90 P2_1/a
atom    x    y    z Biso
Tl1  .051 .313 .160 3.75
Tl2  .101 .056 .732 3.75
As1  .190 .820 .237 3.75
As2  .151 .585 .554 3.75
S1   .125 .320 .750 3.75
S2   .150 .580 .200 3.75
S3   .125 .790 .510 3.75
S4   .200 .030 .200 3.75
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Fleet M E
Download zk/vol138/ZK138_147.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 138 (1973) 147-160
The crystal structure and bonding of lorandite, Tl2As2S4
_database_code_amcsd 0010746
12.28 11.30 6.10 90 104.5 90 P2_1/a
atom      x     y     z Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
Tl1   .0519 .3121 .1619      .00459 .00411 .00931 .00000 .01210 .00000
Tl2   .1009 .0560 .7357      .00530 .00411 .00931 .00000 .01459 .00000
As1   .1960 .8353 .2266      .00477 .00293 .00501 .00000 .00640 .00000
As2   .1361 .5865 .5320      .00583 .00254 .00931 .00000 .02563 .00000
S1     .131  .316  .721  3.3
S2     .147  .553  .183  1.6
S3     .174  .786  .577  2.2
S4     .183  .038  .272  1.7
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Balic-Zunic T, Makovicky E, Moelo Y
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 168 (1995) 213-235
Contributions to the crystal chemistry of thallium sulphosalts III.
The crystal structure of lorandite (TlAsS2) and its relation to
weissbergite (TlSbS2)
Locality: Crven Dol, Allchar, Republic of Macedonia
_database_code_amcsd 0014720
12.296 11.313 6.114 90 104.21 90 P2_1/a
atom     x     y     z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Tl1  .0523 .3121 .1628 .0273   .029   .028   .026   .003   .009  -.002
Tl2  .1011 .0557 .7356 .0253   .024   .028   .025  -.004   .008  -.002
As1  .1948 .8351  .227  .016   .014   .017   .015   .002  -.002  -.001
As2  .1353 .5863  .534  .019   .021   .013   .024  -.002   .006  -.001
S1    .122  .311  .715  .020   .012   .026   .027   .009   .013   .001
S2    .151  .557  .188  .019   .031   .009   .011   .008  -.006  -.002
S3    .167  .788  .575  .014   .006   .022   .017  -.002   .010  -.002
S4    .183  .039  .271  .024   .023   .014   .030   .005  -.005   .005
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